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Each March, National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM) offers an opportunity to celebrate the inclusion of people with disabilities in civic and social life to create strong and diverse communities. DDAM also provides the catalyst to raise awareness about the many barriers that people with disabilities still face in achieving both self-determination and full societal inclusion.

What are Developmental Disabilities?

Easterseals defines developmental disabilities as disabilities that occur from birth to the first few years of development, that may impact day-to-day functioning, and are typically lifelong diagnoses. Common developmental disabilities include (not an exhaustive list):

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)/Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy 
  • Down Syndrome
  • Hearing or vision loss
  • Learning disorders 
  • Epilepsy

Learn more & take action

Explore: the NC State Disabilities Resource Office prioritizes equal access for all and has a wealth of resources, such as DRO demographics by semester

Learn: Why use people-first (or people-forward) language (PFL)

WatchDevelopmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2024 Artist Celebration Video

Share: Share information about DDAM on social media using the hashtags #DDawareness2024, #DDAM2024 or #AWorldofOpportunities 

Discover: the My Story Matters campaign from the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities

Read: About Developmental Disabilities (CDC)

Looking ahead to April

Monthlong: Autism/ASD Acceptance Month (note the recent shift from awareness to acceptance in terminology)

April 2 — World Autism Awareness Day

April 9 — Eid-Al-Fitr (Muslim holiday that commemorates the end of the holy month of Ramadan)

April 12 — Day of Silence (student-led LGBTQ+ awareness day)

April 22 — First day of Passover (or Pesach, Jewish holiday of 8 days celebrated with Seder meals)

Going forward, watch for monthly emails from the DELTA DEIBA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Allyship) interest group on topics and observances relevant to DEIBA work. Have a suggestion or want to get involved? Email DELTA DEIBA!