Vice Provost Welcome
A welcome message from DELTA's Vice Provost, Donna Petherbridge.

Welcome to DELTA!
I am excited to welcome you to our team. In my humble opinion, DELTA is one of the best places to work at NC State University. It is composed of a diverse, hardworking, enthusiastic, innovative and warm group of individuals. At DELTA, we consider you family, which is why we have such a low turnover rate. Creating a positive, welcoming environment that values collaboration, creativity and transparency is very important to us.
As such, DELTA is committed to working diligently to hire individuals who are a great fit for our positions — that’s why we chose you! Our organization is engaging, fun and unique and we hope that you can call DELTA home as well.
DELTA has been a part of my life since its inception in 2000 and I have absolutely loved my time in this organization. Again, welcome to our DELTA family and I look forward to personally meeting you in the very near future.
In the meantime, please explore the information available on this site as it will be the foundation for your journey within DELTA and your new position. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me ( if you would like to schedule some time to chat.