Onboarding – For Employees

Employee Onboarding
Learn what you need to know as a new DELTA employee.
Preparing for Your First Day
Complete items #1-3 within 7-10 days of your official start date.
- [Required] Make an appointment with the Onboarding Center. You will be notified via email from onboardingcenter@ncsu.edu with instructions. During this appointment, you will tackle several items from your New Hire Checklist together. This appointment is about 30-45 minutes.
- [Required] Gather work eligibility documents.
- [Required] Correspond with your supervisor to ensure your computer environment is ready for your use prior to your start date.
- [Optional] Review the Onboarding Center web page and contact your supervisor with any questions.
- [Optional] Enroll in 2-Factor Authentication. View step-by-step instructions.
As a new employee at NC State, you are required to attend New Employee Orientation (NEO100) and Benefits Orientation (BEN100/NEO201) within your first 30 days of employment. These programs will help acclimate you to the university and ensure you get off to a great start. Orientation is a half-day class that covers a wide variety of topics and both are available for registration in REPORTER.
Reminder: Complete your benefit enrollment within your first 30 days of employment. For more information, contact your supervisor or set up an appointment with DELTA’s Benefits Coordinator (see Who is my Benefits Consultant section and select Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost).
DELTA New Hire Checklist
In addition to the University level onboarding tasks listed above, expect to receive a copy of the DELTA new hire checklist from your supervisor, so you both can follow along and plan together. The DELTA new hire checklist will cover everything you need to be successful and comfortable in your new role!
Items on the checklist are categorized in several ways; the level in the organization (where it happens), who is responsible, and when it should happen.
Level | Who | When |
University | The checklist tabs list functional “who”, you can find names on the Employee Info tab | Before start date |
DELTA | First day | |
Team | First 30 days |
DELTA Employee Parking
Employee parking is assigned based on your primary work location.
View detailed parking procedures for DELTA employees by reviewing SOP 23
Check out all things parking by visiting the NC State Transportation website
Building and Suite Access
During your onboarding appointment, the team will assist you in obtaining your campus ID. You will use your campus ID to enter various DELTA buildings, based on your work location.
Recommended Training
- Google Suite, 2-factor and more
- MyPack Portal Training
- Register for various non credit courses in REPORTER
More Employee Resources.
Are you a student worker? Take a look at our Student onboarding resources!