Slack Channels

Slack for DELTA
Learn how to use Slack channels to stay up-to-date with DELTA
What is Slack?
Slack is a communication tool used by many DELTA staff members. There are a number of Slack channels within our NCSU DELTA workspace that allow you to easily post messages to a group or individual.
All new DELTA staff members (permanent, temporary and student) will receive a Slack invite to join the NCSU DELTA workspace during the first week of employment. By default, the #general and #random Slack channels will be visible.
Browse and join channels by selecting the ‘+’ symbol to the right of Channels in the left-side menu bar.
Check out these popular DELTA Slack channels
This channel is for DELTA-wide communication and announcements. All DELTA team members are in this channel.
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodgepodge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
All about DELTA pets!
Ask your manager about Slack channels, both public and private, specific to your department.
Other Slack workspaces exist at NC State. Our domain is You may be a member of more than one instance at a time.