Offboarding – For Managers

Employee Offboarding
(for Managers)
What managers need to know when offboarding employees
Offboarding Communication
Once an employee has put in their notice, it is recommended that you start as soon as you can with the offboarding process and seek help from business office and IT staff. Following is a sample of an auto-generated email the exiting employee will receive once the department receives UHR approval of the final separation action.
” This email is in response to the separation of Charlene Pettiway from the role of Technology Support Technician in DELTA, whose last day is 9/30/2021.
The Offboarding website is designed to provide resources and role-specific guides for employees and departments to use when there is a departure from the University. If employment with the University will be reinstated soon, not all action items will be relevant. “
Supervisor Action
Your role as the supervisor is critical to successful transition planning, the collection of physical and intellectual property, and the security of university data. The Department Offboarding Guide navigates you through this process with specific tasks and action items. Use this online checklist to facilitate your employee and unit through this departure as smoothly and comprehensively as possible.
A few items of specific interest in the guide include:
Please note, additional tasks may need to be completed depending on employee class and/or role.
Our HR office is available to assist with questions or schedule one-on-one meetings as needed after reviewing the off-boarding website.
Offboarding Checklist for Employees
Managers, for each of your departing employees you should create a customized version of the checklist. Items on the checklist are categorized in several ways; level in the organization where it happens, who is responsible, and when it should happen.
University | The checklist tabs list functional “who”, you can find names on the Employee Info. tab. | Before last day |
DELTA | Last day | |
Team | Last 30 days |
- Go to the master copy of the checklist and make a copy
- Rename the document
- Fill in the details on the Employee Info tab
- Note several of the fields have select lists
- Adjust items if needed on the Offboarding Checklist tab
- Remove the un-needed items from the Departmental Checklist tab
- Share the document with the departing employee
The following is sample copy for managers to use when emailing employee(s) about the DELTA offboarding checklist:
” Here is the DELTA offboarding checklist I mentioned. The Offboarding Checklist tab is the primary focus. This is your copy so feel free to make all the notes or comments you want. Also feel free to make notes/comments on any items that are not clear and let me know so I can update the master template. “