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The division of DELTA is composed of the following departments:

  • Academic Technology
  • Digital Learning
  • Finance and Business
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Online and Distance Education

To see a detailed outline of DELTA’s structure, view the DELTA Organizational Chart

DELTA employee working with classroom recording technology

Academic Technology

The Academic Technology department provides a robust and reliable academic technology infrastructure for the full spectrum of digital learning environments at NC State. 

We assist with enterprise, customized deployments of synchronous and asynchronous learning management systems; enterprise lecture-capture and video streaming technologies; specialized technology classrooms and studios; and in-house developed instructional tools and spaces that support specific teaching and learning needs. 

This department also provides project management throughout the DELTA organization.


Maintains a robust and reliable academic technology infrastructure for both online and blended teaching and learning at NC State, including enterprise, customized deployments of synchronous and asynchronous learning management systems and enterprise lecture-capture technologies. The group has a wide skill set that covers systems support, application administration, application development, integrations, data and database management, desktop support, and software testing.

Provides enterprise-level support and administration for video and digital media-based applications. Zoom administration and support are consolidated and assigned to EDM.

Supports student success and organizational improvement by facilitating DELTA products, projects and teams; enabling organizational agility; identifying and streamlining processes; and clarifying communications to maximize collaboration and efficiency. 

PM also provides consulting on a range of project/team topics as well as offers learning opportunities through presentations throughout the year.


Enterprise Digital Media Teams

Plays a critical role in the university’s learning space strategic planning and initiatives. Responsible for the overall design, planning, integration and implementation of classroom technologies and infrastructure to support DELTA and NC State’s digital education mission. The teams in this unit provide multiple levels of support services to meet the distance education and enterprise digital media needs of campus programs.

Provides engineering support for all DELTA enterprise video spaces (classrooms, mini-studios, conference rooms, etc.). Collaborates and consults with campus partners about room engineering and integration for recording and conferencing needs. 

Provides application administration, licensing management (with vendors and campus partners), administrative support, and tier 2 / 3 support for Panopto and Zoom, including Zoom Rooms. The team will continue to build expertise in digital media applications as there may be other natural areas for them to use their expertise.

Manages and supports the DELTA classrooms and collaborates with OIT on ClassTech rooms, especially in maintaining technology similarities as appropriate. ILSS is a key partner and critical resource for establishing, managing, and supporting a network of “hyflex rooms” for campus.

Educational Technology Services Teams

Connects the pieces of the DELTA digital academic environment, including proctoring, Classroom Capture, and WolfWare Google Groups. In addition, provides support such as feeding data to an online classroom tool, integrating external systems for a seamless experience or developing custom applications that meet the administrative needs of our organization.

Maintains, upgrades and develops new features for open source applications such as Moodle, WordPress and WeBWorK. Also integrates and customizes applications as needed for use at NC State and development that will be given back to the respective open source communities.

Provides system, network and storage administration for the infrastructure that supports the digital learning technologies, including WolfWare, Moodle, Zoom and Panopto. Supports and provides administration for desktop, laptop and mobile devices, printing, and digital signage. Administers storage for DELTA teams and projects, including backups and restores. Ensures disaster recovery, security and continuity of hardware and software systems.

Areas of Expertise

Supports and resolves issues related to the hardware, software and network connectivity of desktop computers, laptops, tablets and related peripherals, including computers assigned to individual DELTA and I&E employees as well as those used in shared environments, such as conference rooms, classrooms and the testing centers. We work throughout DELTA to determine technology needs and lifecycle replacement timelines. Contact us at

Also the point of contact for the digital signage, offices, cube wayfinding and conference rooms.

Performs testing, including manual, automation and security testing, to detect vulnerabilities. Executes User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to validate the specific user operations against the specified features and checks the developed software’s usability for the new released versions.

Digital learning unit employee from DELTA

Digital Learning

The Digital Learning (DL) department enables innovative and effective digital learning experiences at NC State. DL partners with faculty across campus to create and improve online materials and courses and to drive educational innovation. Faculty services include technology support and training, instructional design, course quality improvement, instructional video production, and educational media design and development.

DL also provides governance leadership for WolfWare, NC State’s enterprise suite of academic technologies and tools.


Fosters a culture of collaboration, creativity and continuous improvement and includes specialists with expertise in visual design, video production, web, interactive and immersive media development. Embracing cutting-edge technologies and experimentation, DMI delivers solutions that inspire and empower students and faculty while shaping the future of education through engaging and impactful learning experiences. DMI includes two teams: Educational Media Design (EMD) and Instructional Media Production (IMP).

Focuses on the design of whole courses and course activities through the DELTA Grants program. IDD consists of instructional designers with a broad knowledge of pedagogy as it pertains to course design and student success. IDD specialists have a wide range of expertise across many pedagogical sub-categories and innovations, including digital education tools, adaptive learning, immersive learning, accessibility, artificial intelligence, large course design, blended and flipped learning, student self-regulation, and more.

Functions as a comprehensive resource hub that provides holistic support to instructors and promotes effective integration of instructional technologies in teaching and learning. The unit advocates for faculty needs in the evaluation and implementation of enterprise level technologies.


Digital Media Innovation Teams

Researches, designs and develops innovative and effective digital learning products and experiences. EMD partners with Instructional Designers and faculty across campus to address learning challenges and creative opportunities to engage and enlighten students. This team explores emerging technology to identify media opportunities to elevate student success and further research exploration. Team expertise includes: Research, Development, Ideation and Design. Diverse media development experience includes Immersive experiences (AR/VR), web applications, UI/UX, graphic design, animation and illustration.

Designs and produces high quality, high value, educational video content to support online, hybrid and face-to-face instruction. IMP also investigates and incorporates emerging media technologies into instructional projects in a constant effort to push innovation in storytelling and media design for education while partnering with faculty, staff and students across the university.

Instructional Technology Support Teams

Empowers instructors with the necessary skills and resources to leverage instructional technologies effectively. With expertise in teaching best practices and employing digital learning tools, the ITT team provides workshops, consultations, special events and online resources to assist NC State instructors with teaching and learning goals. ITT provides comprehensive support so that instructors can teach effectively and use digital tools to create engaging learning experiences for their students.

Provides technical assistance and support for instructors who use enterprise technologies. The team runs a staffed help desk, offering phone and email support, where technicians promptly address inquiries, troubleshoot issues and provide solutions to instructors’ technology-related challenges. The team also maintains a knowledge base, generating and updating content to serve as a self-help resource for instructors and enabling them to find solutions independently.

Assists faculty with providing all students with high-quality, innovative learning experiences. The team focuses primarily on the design of best practices in online learning and pedagogy for blended and online environments. The CQ team contributes to DELTA’s mission of supporting student success by providing faculty with a process for quality assurance in online education.

Areas of Expertise

Provides strategic direction and feedback to DELTA on all things concerned with Learning Technology and includes the WolfWare Steering, WolfWare Best Practices and Support, and WolfWare Customer Needs and Policy Committees. Ensures that DELTA meets both the current and future needs of our faculty, students and staff and that we are properly serving the mission of the university. Provides transparency and consistency to the decisions that need to be made for the DELTA suite of learning technologies and sets usage and data retention policies for those tools.


Finance and Business

The Finance and Business department supports both DELTA and NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education (NCSCaLE) organizations by providing human resources, finance, accounting, budget, asset management, space planning and management, and administrative services. The Business Office also provides business services for NC State’s enterprise solution, REPORTER registration system. We manage transactions with exceptional customer service and promote effectiveness and efficiency for both divisions.

the Offices of Instructional Programs and University Interdisciplinary Programs by providing human resources, finance and outreach services to the university community. We provide monitoring services and support for NC State Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DELTA and NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education (NCSCaLE).


Provides business operations for DELTA and REPORTER, including REPORTER Business Services, which includes general business services in support of the REPORTER registration system. These services include client billing for use of the registration system, refund processing, general overall reporting of system business activities, requests for REPORTER financial access, College/Division Business Officer training, and business unit onboarding.

Supports the goals of both the DELTA and NCSCaLE organizations and provides timely, efficient and courteous total HR services to all classification levels. Promotes a work environment that is characterized by fair treatment of staff, open communications, personal accountability, trust and mutual respect.

Provides business operations for NCSCaLE.

marketing and communications at DELTA

Marketing and Communications

The DELTA Marketing and Communications (MarComm) department designs, implements and manages strategic online and digital marketing and communications initiatives for NC State’s 100+ online and digital education programs and DELTA. MarComm supports colleges and units on campus by managing market research (for credit and noncredit), management of sophisticated search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, new marketing strategies and technologies to reach and expand target audiences. MarComm staff produce a monthly newsletter aimed to keep faculty and staff informed of technology updates, workshops, grants proposals and projects to promote DELTA services within the university. The combination of marketing and communications has helped to internally and externally build awareness that NC State’s digital education and learning technologies are among the world’s top-tier online and DE programs. Additionally, MarComm leads marketing efforts for NCSCaLE by providing strategic marketing and creative services that promote  courses, programs and conference services offered by the division.


Works closely with DELTA staff to promote programs and services on campus via social media, DELTA News articles and the monthly digital newsletter DELTA Connections. We write, proof and edit stories per NC State Brand standards. We lead the content strategy for DELTA websites and write stories for NC State Online programs to assist the DELTA Marketing team. We also manage social media channels for DELTA and work closely with college and unit communicators to amplify our messages to the NC State community.

Manages and executes the front-end web design, multimedia design, photography, illustration, fabrication, digital imaging, user-interface and user-experience design. Through these services, we support NC State Online recruitment efforts, the promotion of DELTA services and NCSCaLE products, and enterprise academic technologies as well as course development and instructional tools. Additionally, we oversee digital asset management.

Provides marketing leadership and support to promote the brands, products and services of DELTA and NCSCaLE. We manage the social media channels for NC State Online and NCSCaLE, develop and implement multimedia advertising campaigns and  implement lead nurturing strategies using a data-driven and analytical approach. Also, we oversee the selection, deployment and management of marketing tools and software, including marketing automation, SMS messaging and video editing.

Areas of Expertise

The MarComm team creates and manages the NC State Online brand. The department implements strategic marketing campaigns that create awareness and generate leads for all of NC State’s online and digital education programs.

The data-based approach of the marketing team is key to meeting the goals of its partners, which range from increasing applicant quality to growing registrations and revenue. Using marketing analytics, the team tracks leads from awareness to enrollment and registrations, evaluating which advertising mediums and pathways are most effective.

The strategic development and deployment of content across multiple channels and in a variety of formats is an essential skill and service the MarComm team provides. From social media posts, web content and advertising campaigns, to newsletters and email campaigns, the team creates compelling content that creates awareness, informs and engages a variety of audiences including prospective students, current students, faculty and staff.

Academic technology at DELTA

Online and Distance Education

Just like NC State’s on-campus programs, the Online and Distance Education (ODE) department offers world-class educational programs featuring courses with flexible formats to fit into our students’ busy lives. A wide variety of courses, degrees, certificates and licensure programs are available to meet the educational needs of students wherever they are located. The focus is on student success with services such as program planning and development and compliance with regulatory and accreditation standards offered by expert faculty members who are leaders in their fields. In addition, local and remote testing services are available.


Delivers comprehensive academic testing services for NC State courses, catering to both on-campus and distance students. Upholds academic integrity, fosters student success, and effectively addresses the requirements of instructors and students alike. We offer accommodated testing for students with approved accommodations through the Disability Resource Office (DRO). With a student-centered approach at the core of our operations, we strive to create a nurturing and encouraging testing environment.

Provides high-level support and services for online and distance education programs, administrative units, colleges, faculty, staff and students. We coordinate student and faculty support services, including training and consultation on university processes, delivering customer service support, managing the non-degree studies application process, strategic planning and program guidance, and overseeing the ODE website to promote academic programs. This unit serves as a central resource and steward for online and distance education, supporting university digital learning initiatives, facilitating institutional effectiveness and organizational efficiency, and providing value-added services and excellent customer service and support.

Adds data-informed research perspectives to DELTA’s services. Our team pulls from various backgrounds in survey research/design, public administration, educational/psychological research, visual communication and higher education instruction. We foster collaborative and inclusive partnerships to promote and advance survey, research, and analysis best practices. We tell DELTA’s story by leading the design, collection and analysis of actionable data for projects aimed at the transformation of digital teaching and learning and providing a platform for DELTA to share its work with the wider community.

Offboarding for employees


DELTA has several working teams that have members from multiple organizational teams. These cross-functional teams are long-running or permanent groups that address a specific need.

Includes individuals in DELTA who directly report to the Vice Provost for DELTA. The SMT serves as the final decision-making authority for DELTA strategic and tactical operations.

Notes from SMT meetings (DELTA access only)

The DELTA Directors meet monthly. The DELTA Directors meeting includes all directors and SMT members and provides recommendations from (and to) the Senior Management Team (SMT) regarding resource allocation in support of operations and strategic direction and tactical operations.

Present an opportunity for all DELTA staff members to come together to share and discuss DELTA direction and operations and to spend time with colleagues across the various units.

All-DELTA Meeting Notes (DELTA access only)

Facilitates employee interactions, improves morale and builds a sense of community by generating ideas for planned events and supporting informal events when requested to do so among all employees who work for DELTA. Members are approved by the DELTA SMT and are representative across the various units (and building locations) of DELTA.

Recognizes NC State employees for a special or unique contribution to their college/unit or the university. The committee meets one week after the nomination deadline to review the nominees and choose the recipients.

Encourages and empowers instructors and designers to remove the barriers that prevent audiences from accessing and using information. The team acts as consultants, trainers, advocates and implementation specialists to effectively and scalably move academic digital accessibility forward. Accessibility is an ongoing process that — much like security — is never “done” and needs to be incorporated into every project. With such a diverse range of needs, this team necessitates involvement from all areas of the organization, benefitting from the wide range of skills DELTA employees encompass.

Allows for involvement across all DELTA units that manage a website presence to ensure inclusion of stakeholders at the table when decisions are made and priorities are set. This structure also allows the DELTA Web Team to use colleagues within DELTA as content experts and liaisons for performing skills related to an individual’s field of expertise.  

DELTA Web Team details (DELTA access only)

Includes members of AT and DL responsible for supporting our instructional tools and is chaired by the WolfWare Coordinator. The team meets every other week to discuss and coordinate issues that require input from both technical and support staff. This committee also serves as a rapid response channel to deal with urgent issues that impact our campus clients.

The DELTA Space Committee considers and prioritizes space needs and requests and provides recommendations from (and to) SMT regarding disposition of space requests.